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Wednesday 17 September 2014

English for academic writing

For this semester's writing class, I have gotten my students to write blogs.  Basically students are encouraged to write reflective thoughts on the lesson taught in class. Things they understand, things they don't understand  and their views  on the subject matter introduced in class.

Almost all of my students except for  two  have their own blogs. These two bloggers of course write in Bahasa. Well, blog entries for this writing class has to be in English. By getting you to write , (even if it is just a paragraph a day) I hope  you will begin to enjoy putting down your thoughts to paper.

Writing has almost been the biggest challenge for my students.Having studied ESL for 14 years, you would expect many of them to be competent writers, however , this is not the case. Although many of them do not face much problem understanding or  comprehending  spoken English .Speaking and writing proficiently has been a major hurdle for many of them

 There are many reasons for this state of affairs. I believe , this is due to   a lack of practice, a lack of motivation ( as it is not necessary to pass English in  SPM) and lack of interest on the part of the students.

Many blame the education system or rather the lack of system in education. I agree. but there is just so much we can lament about the system! I am interested in you as students. Why do you think after 14 years of English instruction , you still struggle? Let me know.

Write down your thoughts? As I mentioned in class, I am interested in your thoughts and ideas as young adults, so do not let your poor proficiency in the language stop you from penning your ideas . We'll work on the grammar later, ok.

Best Regards.